Assalamualaikum w.b.t.
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious Most Merciful, Peace upon The Prophet Muhammad s.a.w, his family and his companions.
The establishment of the Fiqh of Commerce in this present day is crucial for the survival this planet as the crime of usury monopolised by world financial systems is reaching its climax. The financial institutions by the principle of its existence continue to produce money from nothing. These institutions hold on to the concept of continuous economic growth and an unending growth which has violated the law of existence.
The Muslims scholars and leaders who fell in love with the west (kufar) has immolate the thinking. They have brought their thinking into Islam through Islamisation of knowledge thus has brought Muslims into deviated teaching from their true teaching of Islam. Muslims began accepting the definition by the kufar on riba and thus allowing them (the kufar) to use terminology sacred to the Muslims has been exploited by them. The terminology of Islamic financial system has totally been confused and now we saw the kufar is exploiting them at their own will. The terminology of halal is practiced by the Muslim but now has been turned into a big industry by issuing certificates for outlets that has been certified by ‘halal’ body. We now see outlets completely run by the kufar but with halal certificate label on the windows. Now, In Malaysia the kufar also want to use our god's name ALLAH S.W.T. as their god.
Talking about Halal and Haram, are we to talk on Gold Dinar based on the same concept of halal money? Can we say that our currency will be halal if gold dinar is used? Certainly not! Gold Dinar is not just a medium of exchange, a medium for storage of wealth, ornaments and other used as gold dinar has its own intrinsic value, unlike paper money. It is not our intention to ‘halallise’ the dinar, as we have successfully ‘islamise’ the banks. The ‘halal’ concept was developed by Muslims but has been exploited by the kufar until almost all other kufar financial institutions has adopted the ‘Islamic Principles’ and called their product ‘halal’ product. If all other kufar financial institutions are allowed to call their product ‘Islamic’, where do we go from here? The Muslims has been beaten on their own playing field. This is because the Muslims has lost their guidance and has left the pure teaching of Islam. Islam does not exist based on principles, it is established through following orders and following the behaviour pattern of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. i.e by following the Quran and The Sunnah. The concept of taking Islamic principles is about forgetting about the man but manipulate the principle. The Muslims must start the proess of rethinking of the current practice by taking the pure teaching of Islam, the Madina Model.
The book titled “The Esoteric Deviation of Islam”, written by Umar Vadillo provides a guideline where the Muslims have gone wrong and great benefit to the present Muslims so that they are not deviated in the future. It must also be clear to all Muslims that knowledge of syariah cannot be separated with the knowledge of haqidah or spiritual knowledge. His work has brought great opening for Islamic Commerce. This great work is currently been implemented in Malaysia through the minting of Gold Dinar and distributed throughout the world. The contribution many agencies in Malaysia is on the rise in their effort to push for the return of gold dinar and this has received great support from the local authorities and the public. It is paramount for the Mulsims to begin using gold dinar privately as payment of dowry, payment of zakat and even use them as medium of exchange between willing buyers and willing sellers.
It is also paramount for our leaders today to take on seriously and uphold the halal and remove what is haram.
We Muslims must know that "Success belongs to Allah".
May Allah Bless You
Zuhaimy Ismail
Assalamualaikum w.b.t May Allah bless all the Muslim visitors and best greeting to the non Muslim visitors. It is such an honour to greet one another with the best of greeting, that is "assalamualaikum w.b.t.". For those who are not yet a Muslim, do visit your heart and ask for the Truth. It will direct you to Islam. Welcome to Islam From Professor Dr. Zuhaimy Ismail
About Me

- Pena Agrofarm
- A 10 acre plot of land is currently been cultivated using the principle of regeneration farming. It is called The Pena Agrofarm. It has a Zawiyah/madrasah and over 500 ducks, deer, goat, ostrich, peacork, pigeons and coconuts and sacha inchi
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